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New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork

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(NYSERNET) A New York Internet access provider and regional network. NYSERNet has been in the Internet business since about 1985 and have recently upgraded to a T3 backbone (45 megabits per second). They work with Sprint, NYNEX and Rochester Telephone.

NYSERNet, Inc., provides Internet Training provided through the NYSERNet Internet Training and Education Center (NITEC), a twenty-four station hands-on facility in Syracuse, NY. The Information Services Group supplies tools for marketing via the Internet and NYSERNET also provide Technical Consulting Services.


E-mail: <info@nysernet.org>.


Nearby terms: Newton's method « NewWave « NewYacc « New York State Educational Reasearch ETwork » New York University » NEXOR » Nexpert Object

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